Battling Child Labor: For a “Brighter Tomorrow”

Anti Child Labor Day , 12 June, Child Labor A Problem for Progressive World.

Childhood is a precious phase of life that should be filled with joy, learning, and growth. Sadly, many children are forced to work instead of going to school. The International Labor Organization (ILO) started Anti Child Labor Day in 2002 to tackle this problem. On June 12 every year, we remember the importance of ending child labor.

What is Child Labor?

As defined by the International Labor Organization (ILO), it includes-

  • Any work which is forceful/harmful/dangerous, effecting mental, emotional or physical well-being of a child.
  • activities that interfere with a child’s education, either by obstructing their ability to attend school or preventing them from accessing education temporarily or permanently.

Why is Anti Child Labor Day Celebrated?

 The number of Forced Child Labor present in today Modern World is Huge. Presently, an alarming 160 million children aged 5-14 years are engaged in child labor worldwide, which means nearly one in ten children are subjected to this harsh reality.

African countries have the highest percentage of children involved in child labor, with approximately 72 million affected. The Asia Pacific and South Asia regions also bear a significant burden, with countries like India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Nepal reporting high numbers of child workers.

The Current Situation:

The recent global pandemic and economic downturn have further exacerbated the plight of children. A recent study by the ILO highlights a distressing fact: between 2016 and 2020, an additional 50 million children aged 0-15 missed out on critical social protection provisions, such as child benefits. This brings the total number of children under 15 globally without adequate support to a staggering 1.46 billion.

Failing to provide children with sufficient social protection exposes them to a myriad of challenges, including poverty, disease, limited access to education, and malnutrition. Additionally, it increases the risk of child marriage and perpetuates the cycle of child labor.

Children, more than any other age group, bear the brunt of poverty. Globally, they are twice as likely as adults to live in extreme poverty, struggling to survive on less than $1.90 a day. Shockingly, approximately 356 million children face this dire situation. Moreover, over a billion children experience multidimensional poverty, deprived of crucial services such as education, healthcare, housing, nutrition, sanitation, and clean water. Disturbingly, the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated the issue, causing a 15% surge in the number of children living in multidimensional poverty, erasing previous progress in reducing child poverty.

The Critical Role of Social Protection:

The pandemic has brought into sharp focus the indispensable role of social protection in times of crisis. Many governments swiftly implemented social protection programs to alleviate the immediate impact of the pandemic. However, only a few have taken steps to make lasting reforms that can protect against future shocks.

Actions to be Taken:

The battle against child labor requires our unwavering commitment and collective efforts. Anti-Child Labor Day serves as a powerful reminder that the well-being and future of our world depend on nurturing, educating, and safeguarding our children.

It is crucial for governments, organizations, and individuals to join forces and take decisive actions to eliminate child labor. Investing in social protection, education, and economic stability is paramount to creating a brighter and more just future. Accessible and quality education plays a vital role in breaking the cycle of poverty and empowering children to build better lives.

Moreover, promoting economic stability is crucial for reducing the prevalence of child labor. Creating opportunities for decent work for adults, along with fair wages and safe working conditions, can help alleviate the economic pressures that force children into the workforce.


By implementing comprehensive social protection measures, we can ensure that children are shielded from the dangers of exploitation and given the chance to enjoy their childhood. Eradicating child labor can foster a society that values and protects Child Rights. Together, we can create an environment where children can dream, learn, and thrive, ensuring a brighter and more promising future for generations to come.

Let us unite our efforts and work towards a world where no child is forced to sacrifice their childhood for labor.


International Labor Organisation  UN  World Against Child Labor

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